“I could really see myself with this guy,” said every girl to her best friends. Ask yourself how many times you have said this in your lifetime, female college students.A lot of women are guilty of catching feelings way too fast, which leads to the bedroom too quickly; sex on the ‘third’ date turns into sex on the first date. At that point the only phone call we will get is the booty call. Clearly not the next date.

While the casual encounters of hooking up are sometimes good on their own, there’s always the next tier: expressing mutual interest, and following through with it. Whenever you want, not just whenever he wants, and at any time of the day instead of being limited to the 2 a.m. phone calls after the bar.
Your first year of college, you meet a ton of self-proclaimed ‘good guys’ that you think are really into you, and you know what? They probably are…until you give it up too fast. They get the sex, possibly without having time to really want it. You jump into bed so fast together that after it’s happened, you take a step back and have to question yourself on whether or not you really wanted that to happen.
I am in a situation right now with a guy where all he wants to do when he is with me is have sex. He says he is not in it just for the sex, but the date nights never come around.
Ladies, we put ourselves in our own situations and we can opt out of them to get what we’re actually after- which might just be the guy who takes you out and treats you right.
I’ve learned when it comes to dating the ‘good guy’ you have two categories to look out for; the “let’s go out to dinner” ‘good guy’ and the “let’s stay in (I actually just want sex)” ‘good guy.’
If he takes you out on dates and wants to be seen with you in public it will tell you a lot about what he is looking for within the relationship; if he takes you out and surprises you with a candle-lit dinner, you know he is more than likely looking for something serious if his actions are thoughtful and mature.
Don’t be afraid to analyze your relationships with men, because this is what we have to do. Break it down and find out what is really happening within the relationship. There are a lot of men out there who do not realize the other half of their fling wants more.
The more time I spend around guys, the more I feel like I can think like a guy, and that has saved me so many times.
Avoid having sex that starts too soon. Not worth your time ladies. Have confidence without getting caught up in the moment.
More than likely when you sleep with a guy too soon your feelings will turn into a stage of infatuation. If you think back on your ‘flings,’ a lot of your emotions were temporary.
There wasn’t time for real emotions to get into play to make the ‘fling’ turn into a ‘thing.’
Guys are great to spend time with, just make sure he is the guy that should be in your life, not just a guy making calls at 2 a.m.