As the writers of the past, present and the future, journalists have an obligation to be unabashed about the truth while simultaneously inspiring change. Solutions journalism responds to social problems and is chiefly important now more than ever. News consumers are flooded with heavy content, and if we can be informative and inspiring then we have done our jobs.
Solutions journalism is a technique the North Wind staff learned at our annual attendance at the Best of the Midwest College Journalism Convention in Minneapolis. This year, we heard a lot about student newspapers going online or at least having a strong online presence to supplement their print edition. Little did we know then that our transition online would be expedited by the coronavirus pandemic.
This is our last issue of the winter term, and we don’t know what the future of The North Wind will look like. The pandemic has created many ideas as we’ve heard story after story, headlines don’t do them justice, but we do our best to deliver a message.
But it also created a hesitation in us as a staff because like everyone, we’ve never been through anything like this before. We’re thankful our jobs as journalists were still in-tact. But one thing we’ve learned after over a month of quarantine-induced reflection, is that we are here as a resource. To help inform students and be a voice for the student body, regardless of the content being covered.
Everything is foggy right now and changes have been made including putting print issues on hold in lieu of a PDF email version.Though it’s unclear when things will go back to the way they were even a month ago, what we can tell you is this unprecedented period has brought about positive change in the future of this publication. We’re happy with the presence we’ve set up for future North Winders and future readers to look back on this moment in history to see all of the things we’ve accomplished because of the stories shared with us.
Everyone is impacted personally, but as journalists, we’ve learned we can share that and spread a message through it all. Right now, economically and socially, the world is still. But inside the homes of people globally is a movement for change, and solutions journalism is the catalyst.
Change is inevitable, but we’re learning to adapt along with the rest of the world. We appreciate your patience and support throughout the years, and only ask to keep up with where this new world takes us. The ride will be bumpy, but we will survive through it all. See you along the path.