Photo courtesy of Felicia Hokenstad STUDENT CELEBRATION - The 25th Annual Celebration of Student Scholarships will be held virtually this year to abide COVID-19 safety regulations. The event will have two keynote speakers and will be free and open to the public.
The 25th Annual Celebration of Student Scholarships event will be held virtually this year to be able to abide by COVID-19 safety regulations. The event will open on Wednesday, April 7 and close on Thursday, April 8. This is a free event open to the public.
“The Celebration of Student Scholarship is an annual event held on the NMU campus to celebrate the scholarship and creativity of both undergraduate and graduate students in all disciplines,” according to the event’s page. “Students share their work with the NMU and Marquette communities by presenting posters, delivering oral presentations, sharing visual art installations and submitting essays on scholarly, creative and artwork.”
As part of the 25th anniversary for the event, the McNair Scholars Program took extra consideration in choosing who the keynote speakers were going to be in order to get those who are attending excited for the event, despite it not being held in person.
“Due to the COVID-19 public health response, this year’s event is being re-imagined as a virtual event through the web platform GatherTown,” Felicia Hokenstad, principal secretary of Graduate Studies & Research, Freshman Fellowship Program and McNair Scholars Program said. “The virtual nature also allows us to expand our reach beyond NMU’s campus, and the U.P., as our keynote speakers demonstrate.”
The two featured keynote speakers will be Erica Moore, director of the American Indian Student Center at South Dakota State University, and Sharity Bassett, assistant professor and co-coordinator of American Indian and Indigenous Studies at South Dakota State University.
Moore is Boriken Taíno and a member of the United Confederation of Taino People. She has worked in education for over 10 years teaching history and political courses with research focusing on Native American student success.
“Additionally, she shares her expertise in culturally responsive practices through workshops in K-12 classrooms, museum networks and medical facilities,” Hokenstad said.
Bassett is a scholar of Indigenous methodologies, literary analysis and transfeminist theories. Hokenstad said that Bassett’s manuscript, which is under contract with Michigan State Press, showcases how Haudenosaunee women lacrosse players shape definitions of tradition, medicine and sovereignty in contested spaces.
“Sharity’s present research collaborations are centered around Oceti Sakowin and Anishinaabe quillwork, digital story mapping based on oral histories, and gender and parenthood in the workplace during a global pandemic,” Hokenstad said.
Despite being held virtually, the event still holds important opportunities for students to share their research and creative work with the general public.
“Participants can disseminate the knowledge they have learned, connect with fellow researchers, and gain valuable feedback from viewers, in addition to adding a line to participants’ resumes or CVs,” Hokenstad said. “Our mission is to improve the way we communicate about academic topics and ideas while recognizing the hard work done by NMU students under the guidance of faculty.”
The event is open to all students at NMU whether a graduate, undergraduate or global campus student. Students who are looking to present work can submit group projects and research or individual submissions. To submit work, students can go to the “submit an abstract” page.
Abstract submissions are currently open and need to be submitted by 11 p.m. EST on March 15. There are four ways that students can share their work and that is by an electronic poster, an oral presentation given on the day of the event, a 20-page max essay or creative writing work and an art piece.
For students who are looking for a way to present their hard work and research to others in the NMU and Marquette community, the event is a stepping stone for those to branch out with the public more. Hokenstad said that for those students who are anxious about submitting work, they should consult with faculty advisors and remember that practice goes a long way.
“Practice makes perfect. The more time you spend presenting, the more experiences you’ll have to build confidence,” Hokenstad said. “Students interested in participating should talk with their faculty advisors for help submitting an abstract. And we are happy to help wherever we can.”