Katarina Rothhorn
Carter Wilson, head of the Department of Political Science, presented a conversation titled Critical Theory, Critical Race Theory and U.S. Constitutional Law in the Reynolds Recital Hall from 3-4:30 p.m. on Sept. 17. Several topics and situations were covered, all working to give the viewer a greater understanding of the history of critical race theory and how it has been used in conjunction with the law.
Wilson said that the topic of critical theory and critical race theory is of importance in today’s society.
“Although critical race theory is a complex topic that has historically been covered only in graduate schools or law schools, it is being distorted and weaponized by political leaders fearful of racial discussions,” said Wilson. “It is under attack in a way that constitutes a political movement to suppress free speech among teachers.”
Wilson said that anyone could benefit from increased knowledge on these issues.
“Critical race theory has historically been taught only in places like Harvard University’s College of Law or doctoral programs in sociology or political philosophy,” said Wilson. “What is required is more public dialogue on racial issues.”
Wilson said the presentation highlighted definitions and origins of critical theory and critical race theory.
“The important point is that understanding critical theory will enhance critical thinking, or thinking across paradigms and conceptual frameworks,” Wilson said. “Critical race theory is not a black and white issue. It is an approach to the study of constitutional law that will both enhance one’s understanding and appreciation of the U.S. Constitution.”
Wilson said he encourages students to attend public forums that dealt with racial issues. For more information visit the event’s page here.