Tea Party bad idea for Republicans
I would like to thank Claire Abent for her wonderful article “Please stop partying like it’s 1773” in the April 16 North Wind.
Republicans who have put this country in such a mess just need something to grab on to. Instead of grabbing tea bags, they should be grabbing Bush and his cronies and put them in jail for beginning an illegal war, also for all of their war crimes. Where were they then? Your article told it as it is.
Thank you.
Jan Amundsen
Marquette, Mich.
Available options for NMU budget
The budget at NMU for the 2009-2010 school year has been a hot topic as of late. There are many possible ways for the school to save money. Should the school raise tuition then the students are hurt by this move as more loans will need to be taken out and that is hard enough right now. If the university lets professors go then the professors join the thousands that are unemployed.
There are other possibilities that could help save the school money, but there are two options that could easily help save a little extra money. If the university would not allow professors to order new textbooks then the money made at the bookstore would belong solely to the university. This would mean that almost every book would be bought back by the book store thus stocking it with plenty of used books for the following year.
With this school being the “laptop initiative” school computers should be utilized more frequently. If every professor had to either e-mail or post the syllabus online this would drastically cut back the amount of paper used. This is a small action but it would have a great effect on cost.
Josh Cusenza
senior, entertainment and sports promotion
Obama’s plans needs support
I was dismayed to see President Obama’s plans to simultaneously rebuild America’s struggling economy and find solutions to global warming, through the introduction of clean, renewable energy and a cap and trade system, come under attack this recently. It was no surprise, however, to see the harshest criticism came from big oil and coal companies, organizations invested in keeping our nation dependent on fossil fuels despite the cost to our wallets, the environment, and our health. As a voter and resident in the 1st district, I urge Congressman Bart Stupak to vote to pass cap and trade legislation.
Alissa Russo
senior, outdoor rec. and leadership and management