ASNMU president Lucia Lopez, who is registered for December graduation, announced plans to retain her presidency until the end of the school year at the Monday, Sept. 13 ASNMU meeting.
“Even though you’re graduated, as long as you’re enrolled for six or more credits as a student, you’re eligible to be a part of ASNMU,” Lopez said. “That’s what I plan on doing.”
Lopez gave an update on the 24-hour study lounge that will be available in the lower level Learning Resource Center. According to Lopez, the lounge will probably be ready for student use by Oct. 13, but a definite date has not been set. Lopez also announced her plans to meet with Greg Minner, director of Dining Services, to discuss keeping Starbucks or a beverage cart open until 1 or 2 a.m.
Aaron Loudenslager presented a resolution to ASNMU stating that NMU should opt out of its contract with Wells Fargo “as soon as is legally permitted.” At the end of every year, both NMU and Wells Fargo have the option to opt out of the contract. Signing an exclusive contract with Wells Fargo violates student rights by preventing students from forming a not-for-profit credit union on campus, Loudenslager said.
Loudenslager presented a second resolution stating that student rights are violated when NMU administrators enter exclusive contracts with private companies by not allowing for a “meeting of the minds” that includes students. The resolution supported a no exclusive contracts policy to encourage competition on campus.
College of Business Rep. Alysa Diebolt was voted to the appointments committee to fill the vacant position left by Jordan Neal. She will be among the five appointments committee members who interview potential representatives for available ASNMU positions.
Michael Carroll was unanimously approved for reappointment to the Student Finance Committee, and Megan Persons, Caine Besse and Cara Kummer were unanimously approved for appointment to the Student Finance Committee.