Aaron Loudenslager, an off-campus representative, continued the discussion on the possibility of NMU opening a student-run credit union on campus at the ASNMU meeting on Oct.11. Benefits of this credit union would include the elimination of overdraft fees through the implementation of temporary loans, Loudenslager said. Students have the freedom to organize, and this freedom is in jeopardy through NMU’s exclusive contract with Wells Fargo that prohibits another financial institution from opening on campus, he said.
“It would be better for a student run credit union to fail on its own than for it to be illegal,” Loudenslager said.
The general assembly also discussed ways of funding the Childcare Scholarship, which would give money to student parents at NMU to be used toward daycare services. The scholarship was pushed aside because of a lack of endowment funding, said Alysa Diebolt, a representative from the College of Business.
“For students who are parents, this is very necessary. They need proper daycare help. This has been called one of the best things to come out of ASNMU,” Diebolt said.
Different ways were discussed to fund the scholarship, including hosting a 24-hour dance marathon where students would pledge to donate a certain amount of money for each hour they danced. Events like this have been very successful at the University of Michigan, among other schools.
Loudenslager also opened up discussion again on the possibility of having a student defense office to offer students legal advice. The student defense office will help students who are brought before the all student judiciary on violations occurring within the university. Loudenslager announced that Law Professor Steve Nelson and Political Science professor Ruth Watry have agreed to be faculty advisers for the group.
Two new representatives were sworn in at the meeting. Kyle Brock was sworn in as an on-campus apartments representative, and Richard Keiser was sworn in as an up-campus representative.