A $450 budget was approved for ASNMU members to attend a Student Association of Michigan conference at the University of Michigan campus in Dearborn, Mich. at the Monday, Oct. 18 ASNMU meeting.
Graduate studies representative Vanessa Thibado opened a discussion about student transcripts. If a student has the registrar’s office send an official transcript to other universities or potential employers, there is a five dollar cost, which must be paid in check or money order form in the registrar’s office. Thibado said an option to pay electronically would be more convenient for students. ASNMU members discussed the possibility of covering the cost of a student’s first official transcript.
Off-campus representative Benjamin Stanley opened a discussion about NMU possibly adopting a four-year laptop plan that would allow students to obtain and keep a laptop for four years of schooling rather than return laptops after two years. He also brought up the possibility of allowing students who are not in the school of art and design to choose Macs.
College of business representative Alysa Diebolt opened a discussion about other colleges following the college of business’s example in forming student advisory councils, which would help students communicate directly with the deans in their respective colleges. She said student advisory councils help deans evaluate the effectiveness of classes and teachers.
College of arts and sciences representative Zach Fix, general studies representative Jordan Brooks and off-campus representative Kimberly Martino resigned from ASNMU.
Jeremy Cilc was unanimously approved and sworn in as a college of arts and sciences representative. Cilc and off-campus representative Benjamin Stanley were unanimously approved to the bike share committee. Down-campus representative Jolene Prahl was unanimously approved to Kimberly Martino’s vacant position in the appointments committee, and College of business representative Alisa Diebolt was unanimously approved the vacant academic affairs chair position.