ASNMU should not waste student money
I applaud The North Wind for keeping the students up to date about what their elected representatives are up to, but I think lately there has been too much emphasis on what the executive board may have done wrong and not enough scrutiny on the representatives’ actions.
It is confusing when multiple representatives have stated they resigned over conflict with the executive branch, when none of them have put any topics to vote as an action item.
Whether the executive board members hate an idea or not, they cannot vote regularly. If the representatives approve it, then it passes. Yes, I will certainly agree that it is difficult hearing criticism on an idea that is very important to you, but it is the job of the executive board to point out potential flaws so ASNMU can put out the best possible programs. I have never heard a member of the executive board say an idea is not worth pursuing at all.
I think it falls on the representatives to critically look at their actions and contributions to ASNMU and NMU students. Two weeks ago, the majority of the board voted to approve funding for another trip to a Student Association of Michigan (SAM) conference at LSSU when members of ASNMU attended one just three weeks ago at U of M-Dearborn. I love conferences as much as the next person, but ASNMU and Dr. Wong funding a trip every month is excessive. These conferences are just hours long, giving the students plenty of time to “socialize,” which includes drinking and lounging by the hotel pool.
When another representative suggested amending the budget for only one night at the hotel instead of two, the representatives that went to the SAM conference said they needed the extra time to “socialize.”
The board actually vetoed the amendment, and voted to give the SAM-goers funding for two nights in the hotel and round-trip gas money to LSSU.
This is outrageous when universities are able to vote via teleconference instead of having to drive to the conferences all over the state.
The biggest problem I have with this entire ordeal is that when asked, representatives can’t give any clear benefits of going to SAM. I seriously encourage the entire board to think more critically about the way they dispose of students’ money, and I challenge The North Wind to pay more attention to the actions of the representatives, not just the executive board.
Zoe Knox
Zoology, 2011