HPER Faculty voices support for PEIF Pass
In response to the front page story and editorial in the Nov. 11 issue of the North Wind, the Health, Physical Education and Recreation faculty wishes to voice support for the position taken by NMU students when they approved a referendum calling for a $50 tuition increase for PEIF passes.
Promoting healthy behaviors has been recognized as a primary goal in the national health care debate. The Marquette community has become a major destination for those seeking a physically active lifestyle, and our university has provided world-class facilities in support of health promotion activities and athletics.
The HP graduation requirements of HP 200 plus one additional activity course provides opportunities for more than 1600 students to enroll in one of the 60+ activities offered each semester with up to 5 HP activity credits counting towards graduation. Starting next fall, HP courses may be repeated for credit.
The recreational services program is to be commended for the outstanding job it does in implementing the campus recreation program with limited resources. Additional funding through this initiative will serve to promote campus outreach to all students.
It is our hope that NMU students will value and take advantage of the opportunities for improved health and well-being that a PEIF pass represents. It is also our hope that President Wong and the NMU Board of Trustees will also recognize the wisdom of the students’ decision when they voted “YES” for the PEIF pass and implement this policy as soon as possible.
Harvey Wallace,
Professor and Head of HPER