Lucia Lopez’s resignation as president of ASNMU was announced at the Monday, Jan. 10 meeting. In her resignation letter, she cited the lack of payment for executive board positions as her reason for leaving and said she found an employment opportunity elsewhere that allows for continued employment following graduation. Courtney Russell, former vice president of ASNMU, is now president.
Russell appointed on-campus apartment representative Kyle Brock to be vice president of ASNMU, but the appointment did not pass when the assembly voted in secret ballot. For a nomination to pass when a president leaves, three fourths of the assembly must approve the new president’s nomination.
Off-campus representative Dani Thoune opened a discussion about retrying a Safety Shuttle through MarqTran that would pick students up on weekends to bring them back safely to campus between 11 p.m. and 3 a.m. ASNMU paid for an initial run in 2001, and, if it was successful, it would have been funded by the Student Activity Fee. Thoune was unsure of the results of its trial run. ASNMU members discussed possible changes in its cost since 2001.
Thoune also opened a discussion on student outreach, saying ASNMU should be more proactive about working for students. Suggestions included a cleanup competition like one that was conducted in 2001, a social for parents on campus, book sales and book buy backs, and holding regularly scheduled “Let’s Chat” with President Les Wong sessions in residence halls again this semester.
Thoune and business representative Alysa Diebolt attended a Student Association of Michigan conference last weekend at Oakland University in Oakland County, Mich. $266.08 of that budget was spent on hotel and travel costs of the $294.94
Arts and sciences representative Christian Weber was appointed and unanimously approved to the appointments committee.
Kyle Brock was appointed and unanimously approved as the chair of Dozing Discounts.