A $444 budget for this year’s ASNMU election was passed at the Monday, March 28 meeting, which will cover the voting stations. The budget will be amended to include a day’s rental of 10 laptops to be used at the voting stations at $15 per laptop; the election budget will be $594. ASNMU will pay $7.40 to each worker at a voting station per hour. There will be 12 workers total, working five hours each. Louis Justman, production director for Radio X, is taking care of audio and visual for elections free of charge. ASNMU’s presidential and vice presidential debates were announced, and took place Wednesday.
The first dining services committee meeting took place Tuesday. President Courtney Russell said hopefully 10 students would sit on the committee, which was created recently by ASNMU to improve student communication with Dining Services.
The first coffee talk with NMU President Les Wong of the semester was scheduled to take place Tuesday at the PEIF. Russell said the talk was expected to cover the recent shooter threat, President Barack Obama’s coming to campus, and the status of the anticipated Jamrich renovation.
Nine students from Northern attended the Lansing Blitz last weekend along with 14 students from Tech and met with Republican representative Tom Casperson and Democratic representative Steve Lindberg. Off-campus representative Alysa Diebolt said representatives encouraged students to look at universities’ spending to determine whether universities spend wastefully.
Diamond Allen was unanimously approved to the All-Student Judiciary.
Mitch Foster was unanimously approved to the elections committee.
The election application deadline was Tuesday, March 29.
Treasurer Andrew Foster said ASNMU held $14,303.71 at Monday’s meeting, but there were transactions pending. Foster said the amount of money ASNMU has will be about $11,000 after the transactions are completed.