The main topic of discussion at Tuesday night’s Associated Students of NMU meeting was the changes to be made to their constitution.
“Basically, we are changing what the current ASJ is,” ASNMU President Justin Brugman said. “Right now ASJ is part of the conduct board which means they mainly work with the Dean of Students office.”
Based off of last week’s discussion, and taking into account all the comments from the ASNMU representatives, Brugman drafted a couple sections that will be added to the constitution concerning the [new] ASNMU Judiciary. He also edited the membership eligibility, vacancies, and procedure sections in order to set up ground rules for the new judiciary board.
“We don’t want to ‘bug’ the student code review board with ASNMU-related stuff anymore because they’re separate.”
According to Brugman the only time ASJ really deals with ASNMU is during election time. If there happens to be a complaint the board will hear it.
“We want two separate entities because if we bother the board about a complaint while there is say a sexual harassment case, the harassment case is more pressing than an election appeal, we don’t want to take away from their responsibilities dealing with the Student Code.”
The motion to approve all the changes to their constitution was unanimous, which means the proposed constitution will be sent to the referendum committee and later voted on by the student body. According to Brugman, another committee will deal with the actual wording on the ballot.
If the proposed constitution does get approved by the student body, it then goes to the Board of Trustees. After the Board of Trustees chooses to either approve or deny the changes then it will be passed or thrown out.
“It will essentially be enacted next fall, if it is passed,” Brugman said.
In other news Danielle Belfry was appointed to the Elections Committee. Robin Feuerman resigned from her off-campus representative spot to on-campus representative.