NMU’s counseling services expanded the issues that it adresses, from adjusting to college likfe to dealing the with more severe mental health issues.
The Counseling and Consultation Services office welcomes students from all different backgrounds to come and see and what resources they have to offer.
They assist students with problems ranging from transitioning to college life to other issues, including mental health.
“It is an open door policy, and they can come and talk to us about anything,” said Marie Aho said, Counseling and Consultation Services department head and licensed clinical psychologist.
With NMU students facing a variety of problems in their day-to-day lives, CCS provides students with an outlet to get the help they need to succeed in school.
They help identify problems and then work out how best to solve them based on the personal strengths of each individual, Aho said.
“We understand that coming to college is stressful,” Aho said.
Common issues CCS helps students with include relationships, roommate problems, stress from classes, adjusting to life away from home, as well as dealing with anxiety, depression and negative coping habits.
They offer both individual counseling sessions as well as group counseling to help combat these problems, Aho said.
“Students should come in whenever they notice that they’re feeling upset and normal ways of dealing with stress aren’t working,” Aho said.
Aho also urges students to come in before the problem becomes too difficult to handle. Learning to cope with the stress of a college workload early in the semester will help decrease stress later on towards finals.
CCS also offers consultation services for students, faculty and parents. They can offer guidance on how best to help others who may need help, but aren’t sure where to turn.
Everything discussed with the professionals at CCS remains confidential.
“I think that counseling really improves their (students’) self-understanding so they can make better choices for health and well being,” Aho said.
Not only does CCS help students with their problems, they also focus on prevention and awareness.
Several mental health workshops will be held in the future to help students address and manage stress and other negative feelings.
CCS also gives presentations to different classes to let the students know that this service is available to them free of charge.
“I mention the service during new tenant orientation,” said community adviser Emma Clevette.
The CCS office utilizes the talents of its multi-disciplinary staff to offer free, sincere help to students.
Each staff member is a licensed professional with the same credentials that private practitioners have, Aho said.
“It’s really good for people to know they have that outlet,” Clevette said. “I think it’s awesome, and I hope they use it.”
Students can sign up for as many sessions as they need, since there are no session limits.
Students wishing to receive help are encouraged to stop into CCS at 3405 Hedgcock from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Students new to the center, are asked to come in before 3:30 p.m. on any day to fill out paperwork, allowing the counselors to become better acquainted with each individual’s needs.
For questions regarding CCS and the services they provide, visit webb.nmu.edu/Centers/CounselingAndConsultation or call the office at (906) 227-2980.