Career Services will be hosting its largest summer job fair Wednesday, Feb. 8 for Northern students to find job opportunities across the region.
The fair will be from 1 to 3 p.m. in the Great Lakes Rooms in the University Center and is open to all NMU students, alumni and retirees.
It is an opportunity for students to talk to employers and recruiters in person, discover opportunities and practice interview techniques.
“Students should dress better than everyday dress,” said Steven LaFond, assistant director of Career Services. “But students don’t have to wear a suit and tie.”
Employers attending will come from the NMU campus, the Marquette community and regional area.
A list will be offered online to allow students to research the companies who are going to be present, which would increase the likelihood of that student getting hired, LaFond said.
“Bringing recommendation letters and portfolios are a way students can show them right there what they’re capable of,” LaFond said.
Some employers will have applications with them, but leaving them with the student’s resume can increase the student’s chance of getting hired, LaFond said.
“It’s always a good idea for students to bring resumes [to a job fair],” LaFond said.
Students should also be prepared to ask the employer questions: What kinds of opportunities are employers offering? When and where does the job take place? How do students apply?
“Talk to everybody,” LaFond said. “Stay as long as possible. [Students] may find opportunities that they weren’t aware of if they talk to everyone.”
Even if students aren’t looking for a job for this summer they should still attend the job fair, LaFond said.
By attending, students will gain valuable experience with talking to recruiters and finding opportunities for the following year.
“If you’re looking for a summer job or are a graduating senior, I can see the importance of [the job fair],” said Karla Kopp, a senior biology major.