“Deadpool” takes everything you know about conventional superheroes and flips it on its head. The result is a much-needed breath of fresh air and one of the most entertaining superhero movies in years.
Acting: Some actors are just born to play certain roles in spite of the desire to avoid typecasting. Johnny Depp is Captain Jack Sparrow, Hugh Jackman is Wolverine and Ian McKellan is Gandalf; after seeing this movie, it’s looking like Ryan Reynolds was born to play Wade Wilson, aka Deadpool. Reynolds has been petitioning for years to get his chance to play Deadpool, and when given his chance, he did not disappoint.
You can tell how much Reynolds loves playing Deadpool in every scene, and the energy is infectious. He naturally possesses the perfect charisma and comedic timing to portray the “Merc with a Mouth.” While the rest of the supporting cast did a fine job, Reynolds is what makes this movie go and is the utmost reason to see this film.
Writing: As suggested in the opening credits of the film, the true heroes are the writers. Deadpool is one of the most unique characters in comic book lore, and with a devoted fan base, the film’s director and producers had little room for error.
Writers Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick were able to perfectly capture all the swearing, killing, fourth-wall breaking and metahumor—in essence, the stuff that makes Deadpool so beloved. With jokes about everything from “The Green Lantern” to the “X-Men” reboots and blind old ladies, nothing is off limits for the mouthy script. Some of the greatest moments of the film are when Deadpool cuts away from the action to fill us in on his (liberally-peppered) two cents, which usually has little to do with the scene at hand. These instances of directly addressing the audience add a touch of closeness and connection for viewers.
Along with all the jokes, no punches are pulled in terms of violence. Deadpool is a mercenary for a reason, and it’s made clear he is not a hero. As a result we have one of the single bloodiest and most gruesome comic book movies you will ever see. The movie earned every bit of its capital-R “Restricted” rating. While this limits the movie’s viability for families and many younger fans, the restricted rating is part of what allows the film to color outside the lines every other PG-13 superhero flick is staying within for the time being.
Story: The only big flaw with the film is its story; it is, for all intents and purposes, your stereotypical superhero origin story. While it is slightly disappointing they couldn’t have found a more unique way to tell the Deadpool backstory, this far from ruins the experience; the character is so creative, the story never feels overcooked. It greatly speaks to the intrigue of the character that an unoriginal story style can feel so new.
Verdict: The timing for “Deadpool” could not have been better. Marvel is entering its third phase of “Marvel Universe” films and its palette of heroes keep getting bigger and bigger each time; DC’s upcoming “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” marks its own foray into creating a big-screen DC cinematic universe. Superhero movies are at an all-time high.
Very few of them, however, are unique or different enough to truly separate themselves from the pack. The phrase “superhero fatigue” comes to mind, and Marvel is the main culprit, spinning out several films per year in the same formulaic vein; they’re almost all PG-13, and unlike Christian Bale’s “Batman” trilogy there’s hardly a hint of darkness in Marvel’s work so far.
Deadpool is so different from any other hero we will get this year; you won’t see Batman decapitate enemies, nor will you hear Captain America drop an F-bomb.
Spearheaded by Reynolds himself, the marketing and execution of this film has been just about unprecedented. Reynolds has taken every chance he could to jump into the red suit and sell his movie.
The extent of Reynold’s efforts may or may not include kidnapping The North Wind’s normal movie reviewer and writing a sparkling review of my own film to make sure you all go see it.
I sounded pretty convincing, didn’t I? This movie reviewing business is a lot easier than everyone makes it seem.
Go see my movie.
Your pal,