When people come to a college, things about them change for the better or for the worse. When things take a turn for the worse, the victims tend to ignore the assets available to them to fix what went wrong. Northern Michigan University offers a great solution for people who need emotional help: a completely free and flexible counseling center.
Mental health issues have a habit of being portrayed as a burden on someone, and that society will judge those who are affected by them. While there are certainly still people who feel this way towards these problems, a counselor’s job is designed around helping you overcome these obstacles and feeling okay with whatever is currently affecting you, as well as better understand ways to cope. They are not here to judge you, and they aren’t going to tell you something’s wrong with you. As a matter of fact, if you come to them about something such as your sexual orientation, they might even discuss why they think that it’s okay, in order to create a safe space for you.
Aside from mental health, the Counseling Center can be utilized for the convenience of confidential venting. You don’t need to have an issue that will require multiple sessions in order to take advantage of the center. There’s a misconception that to need counseling, you need to have a mental health issue; this simply isn’t true. These counselors are here to offer a place to vent and a safe place for you as you come to experience different things in this ever changing environment. No matter how small the issue is, if it warrants talking to someone about it to sort your thoughts out, the Counseling Center will welcome you with open arms.
College is about utilizing whatever’s available to you in order to help you succeed. There is no shame in getting help from a place that is designed to help you get through whatever you’re struggling with. Resources like the Counseling Center are one of the best assets available to you on campus. People often fail to realize that aside from offering help for mental health, a counselor is fully equipped to talk to you about issues with focusing, studying, relationships and making friends.
An alumni from Northern Michigan once told me, “NMU is a great place for broken people, because it’s so different from everything around it. It’s almost like it’s on its own island and exists on its own time; almost like an alien planet. Everyone there is meant to help you succeed, and there’s a familial bond that larger universities might lack.” After being here, I fully believe this quote to be true; it’s almost baffling how much the people here want to help you.
However, the only person who can help you get to these steps is you. You won’t have someone point you in the right direction towards what you need unless you open up and ask for the help. There is no harm in looking for help if you need it, and it may end up being one of the best decisions you could make. If you ever find yourself feeling lost and requiring guidance, don’t be afraid to seek out the assistance that will help you get back on your feet. Even if you find out the Counseling Center isn’t what you’re looking for, they’ll help you find the assets you need in order to succeed.