Each year the Diversity Common Reader Program (DCRP) hosts a free book distribution party in hopes to embrace diversity by exposing students to new cultural or ethnic ideas at a campus-wide level. The 2019 book selection is “Redefining Realness: My Path to Womanhood, Identity, Love, and So Much More” by Janet Mock.
In honor of MLK Week, the Multicultural Education and Resource Center (MERC) and the Diversity Common Reader Program will host a book promotion from 1 to 3 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 25 in the Hedgcock Atrium. There will also be free pizza and soda provided at the event.
“The selection committee for the Diversity Common Book considers several different books each year. We try to choose a book that might not only help members of the NMU community think about diversity in new ways, but we also try to select a diverse range of books from year to year,” Lynn Domina said, the DCRP committee co-chair and head of the NMU English department.
Janet Mock has appeared on the Oprah Winfrey Show, made the covers of Paper and OUT magazines and has been profiled by The New York Times, Elle and Marie Claire. Mock’s memoir “Redefining Realness” was also on the bestseller’s list.
“In the book, Mock describes her life as a child and young adult. She is a transgender woman who grew up in a multiracial family marked by poverty. Any one of these issues could have led to a remarkable memoir, but what Mock does best is reveal how the intersections of these experiences have influenced the person she has become,” Domina said.
“Along with the book distribution, there will be several affiliated events throughout the semester, including films, presentations, discussion, and most excitingly, a visit by the author. Dates and times for these events will be announced soon,” Domina said.
Shirley Brozzo, the coordinator for the MERC, is involved with the Diversity Common Reader events every year.
“This is a really cool event,” Brozzo said. “All students need to do is show up, put down their name and email, and then they get the book.”
Mock will visit NMU on Feb. 25 and speak about her new book. The event will be open to NMU students, staff and the community.
“It’s always great when we can get the author here, so you don’t want to miss it,” Brozzo added.