Dog wash fundraiser provides animal experiences to pre-vet students

Katarina Rothhorn

(from left to right) Marielle Foersterling, junior biology major, Paige Isaacson, senior biology major, and Sarah Marvin, junior biology major, wash Santiago at their annual fundraiser. Santiago was one of 16 dogs that the pre-vet club washed on Sunday, Sept. 12.

Katarina Rothhorn, Features Editor

Kiddie pools, bottles of baby shampoo and milk bones attracted many dog owners behind Weston Hall on Sunday afternoon. They were following bright pink signs put up by NMU’s Pre-Veterinary Medicine club advertising their annual dog washing fundraiser. 

The fundraiser is primarily a way for the club to get money for field trips to vet schools and other outings but is also a good experience for everyone involved. 

“It’s good to get our group together to do bonding as a team,” Haley Murdick, senior biology and zoology major, said. ” Also getting animal experience for some of the freshmen or sophomores or whoever needs more hands-on animal experience and communicating with owners.”

The fundraiser does not charge a specific amount for each dog but asks for donations from each owner and what they are willing to give. This year, the club saw a total of 16 dogs, a large improvement from last year.

“Last year we only had about five to six dogs come,” Murdick said. “So this year we definitely gained more donations and a lot more experience with more dogs.”

Washing the dogs provides students with experience working with many different types of dogs and improves their ability to work with animal owners as well.

“It’s really nice to get the community involved,” Sydney St. Clair, junior biology major, said. “I love talking to the owners.” 

Getting into the community and hosting events like this also helps the club find more opportunities and career paths, said Paige Isaacson, senior biology major.

“By doing stuff like this we are able to get recognized by more people,” Isaacson said. “Then, in turn, we get more experience, or different opportunities to maybe intern at vet clinics or get jobs elsewhere because we’re recognized as part of the club here.”