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Students find involvement opportunities at winter student organization fair

MANY OPTIONS — Students examine different table setups from various organizations around campus.
MANY OPTIONS — Students examine different table setups from various organizations around campus.
Amelia Kashian/NW

Finding ways to get involved in the winter can be hard. It can be tempting to stay wrapped in blankets and sink into a warm bed rather than go out and discover something new. NMU hosts an annual winter student organization fair to ensure that students can easily access different clubs and organizations on campus. On Jan. 24, posters and sign-up sheets were set up in rows throughout Jamrich Hall where students could roam through the halls and involve themselves as they pleased.

“You have no idea what you are going to be missing out on unless you try to see what is in store,” Jack Foley of Catholic Campus Ministry said. “There are a couple hundred clubs on campus. There is a good chance that no matter what you are into, you are going to find something to be a part of, so why not try?”

Foley pointed out that the time is right to introduce clubs on campus.  Given the circumstances, students could benefit a lot by reaching out and becoming members of new communities.

“[Outreach] is the most important thing that we can do for our students on campus,” Foley said. “After COVID, socializing is tough. So, what better way to let people come out of their shells again and give them a chance to socialize than by showing people what is available?”

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A QUICK LOOK — Students stop to look at the table for the Sustainability Hub for Innovation & Environment (SHINE). Each table had posters with information and sign-up options for its organization. (Amelia Kashian/NW)

For some, the student organization fair can allow experimenting and the discovery of interests that have not yet made available to them. Outside of a student’s major, signing up for a club can be the perfect way to experience new things.

Student Kira Gay found a way to express different interests through the org fair.

“I signed up for anthropology [club] and the Criminal Justice Association (CJA),” Gay said. “Anthropology is something that interests me but it’s not exactly my major, while CJA is adjacent to it.”

As Foley mentioned, Gay also decided that attending the fair would allow her to be more social and allow for new opportunities. She and other students found it important to give different clubs and organizations a chance and learn more about them.

“I don’t get out of my dorm room much, and I wanted to see what is all available, and I have even signed up for some clubs here,” Gay said. “I think it is good to see what is out there, because you might not know about all of these organizations. A lot of people go for the free things, but it is nice to see what’s available.”

This year’s winter fair allowed for many to sign up for organizations they did not know existed, which may help students find their place while the weather is dreary. A simple climb out of bed and walk to Jamrich Hall could result in the introduction of new discoveries and involvement.

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