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Into The Cat's Maw- The gate of Fall Fest on the first day of classes, on Monday, was packed with students, faculty and other visitors looking at what the campus and Marquette community has to offer.
Into The Cat’s Maw- The gate of Fall Fest on the first day of classes, on Monday, was packed with students, faculty and other visitors looking at what the campus and Marquette community has to offer.
Antonio Anderson

Take a virtual walk through Fall Fest

First Stop – Right as soon as you enter Fall Fest, just to the left, students could find the Future Educators of NMU (FENMU), a student org for any student looking to become a teacher with the intention to help them reach their goals and make friends with others who have similar dreams. President Ella Parker and Presidential Mentor Claire Branding greeted all who walked past with smiles and open arms. (Antonio Anderson)


Second Stop – Across the lane from FENMU was Dungeons and Wildcats, a student organization that sets up a weekly game of Dungeons and Dragons and offers to help connect people with that shared passion. They offered water to anyone and free dice to all who signed up to join its club. Officer Alison Koscielny informs a new member how to sign up. (Antonio Anderson)


Third Stop – Just down with way from FENMU and Dungeons and Wildcats was a joint table of the Mycology Club and the Medicinal Plant Chemistry Club. Club Presidents Sadie Kernen (left) and Sabrina Mata (right) sit on their respective club sides, looking for anyone interested in the botanical arts. (Antonio Anderson)


Fourth Stop – Down near the end of the student organization section, multiple businesses of the Marquette area set up their tables. Pictured here is a table for the Delft Bistro and Donckers, a local restaurant and candy shop, respectively. The stores’ spokesperson is seen smiling and handing out goods and candy to anyone stopping by. (Antonio Anderson)


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Last Stop – Tau Kappa Epsilon was also at Fall Fest. NMU’s Theta Iota chapter of the fraternity set up a table displaying all officers, upcoming events and past accomplishments. One of the fraternity brothers helps inform a young man of Greek Life. (Antonio Anderson)


A Look Back – With dozens of student organizations making an appearance, a great many local Marquette businesses presenting themselves and over a hundred event goers, Fall Fest 2024 could be considered a great success in introducing the student body to what the local communities have to offer. (Antonio Anderson)

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