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BATTLE FOR THE BALL - Alumni team members play rough and ready during Saturday's annual Alumni Rugby game.
BATTLE FOR THE BALL – Alumni team members play rough and ready during Saturday’s annual Alumni Rugby game.
Molly Birch

Men’s rugby team celebrates 45th anniversary at alumni game


On Saturday, students, alumni and community members gathered at the field on the corner of Lincoln and Wright Street, celebrating the NMU men’s rugby team’s 45th anniversary.

This annual alumni event brings current and past players together for a day of rugby. The day began with a women’s team game and followed with a game from the men.

Sophomore Sutton Brown said they think it is important to keep bonds people make in college. Keeping that community going gives people the opportunity to come back and play and catch up with old friends while making new ones, even after graduation.

“It’s a really great chance to continue the community of rugby,” Brown said. “There’s a lot of culture that goes behind it, a lot of traditions, and it’s very much a family-based sport. I like that that gets to be continued even when you’re no longer an active student.”

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Brown explained rugby is played with the same style of play for both men’s and women’s teams, making it a uniquely level playing field that anyone can participate in.

“There are some commonalities, like in soccer some things might be more common to see in women’s soccer versus men’s soccer, but all of the rules, game styles and everything like that are all the same,” Brown said. “So, you could have a co-ed team, and everyone would know exactly how to play.”

Brown said more people should get involved with rugby.

“More people should start watching rugby and getting into rugby. I think it’s a pretty cool sport, and especially here at Northern, I think people should do more to support our teams.”

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