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South Superior Climbing Club to host Slugg’s Bluff Climb

Students will walk the trails and climb as a community.
CHAT AND CLIMB — At a social climb, SSCC members new and returning gather and learn the ins and outs of their sport.
CHAT AND CLIMB — At a social climb, SSCC members new and returning gather and learn the ins and outs of their sport.
Photo courtesy of SSCC Instagram @superiorclimbing_nmu

Autumn in the Upper Peninsula can be a dream for everyone from locals to tourists. It is no surprise that a majority of students at NMU find themselves taking part in the changing of the seasons by exploring the many hiking trails in the area. There are plenty of landscaped scenic outlooks around Marquette, but sometimes, the best are those people have to work for.

The popular hiking area Slugg’s Bluff contains more than just ruggedly carved hiking trails. It holds long-forgotten or carefully hidden trails that lead to an experience. Several tall rock walls are waiting to be conquered there, and the South Superior Climbing Club (SSCC) is ready to take on the challenge. Fall colors are starting to trickle into the Marquette skyline, and the overlook at the top of the climb offers a great view to anyone who wants to explore nature. 

The club’s first Climbing Social of the semester was held on Sunday, Sept. 8, at Sunset Gully, and the turnout reflects their values as an “open arms,” laid back and friendly community of climbers. Dozens joined the group at Sunset Gully, which turned out to be one of the biggest turnouts the group has seen since its creation.

Students can continue growing this community of passionate climbers by joining the SSCC’s regular climbs, which will be posted on the Hub. The gatherings will continue until snowfall, after which the club will switch to more varied meetings that range from meetings at the PEIF, movie nights and other social events. 

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The president of the SSCC says joining the club in their social climbs is a great opportunity for new students to test their agility and strength, try their luck with a new athletic hobby, or maybe meet new friends. Many students may find rock climbing to be a difficult practice to begin with, but the SSCC is here to help. Students do not need expensive equipment or experience to join the club. 

It’s always a good idea to have comfortable shoes for the approach, as well as water, snacks and weather-appropriate clothing,” President of the SSCC Mary Jane Bauer said. “In terms of climbing gear, we’ve got it covered. Our unofficial motto is ‘no gear, no problem.’ SSCC has been fortunate to receive funding from the SFC  to purchase climbing gear for our club members to use at our social climbs, eliminating the financial commitment that is a barrier for many students that may want to get into climbing. However, if students have their own climbing gear, they are encouraged to bring it along.”

The SSCC will be holding another social climb at Slugg’s Bluff on Thursday, Sept. 12 at 5 p.m. This climb will be more of a challenge but no less welcoming. Students looking for another opportunity to join the club on their amazing fall outings are encouraged to check them out on the Hub or join them on this upcoming climb.

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