A well-loved campus tradition is making its way back to Hunt Hall. The Annual Root Beer Bash will take place on Friday, March 21. The event will feature a blacklight party in the basement of Hunt Hall, with activities including a stein-holding competition, water pong, dancing and kegs of root beer.
This will be the 21st year that Hunt Hall has hosted the Root Beer Bash, and it continues to improve each year.
“The goal of the Root Beer Bash is to have fun without the influence of alcohol,” said Resident Director Mila Koivula.
NMU’s Police Department is collaborating with the hall to make this event both fun and educational. The intent is to raise awareness about alcohol safety and demonstrate that it is truly possible to have an amazing time in college without the use of alcohol or drugs.
NMU PD will provide “drunk goggles” for students to use while attempting to play a few rounds of Mario Kart.
You do not need to be a resident of Hunt Hall to participate in the event, as it is open to all students who are interested in having a good time. Event details are available on the Hub, and students can contact the organizer for any questions.