Bernie Sanders may look like one more long debate will finish him off, but even after the Iowa caucuses, he’s still got the rest of his campaign going for him.
Sanders’ plans for making education affordable, his efforts at collaborating with oppressed voices of minority groups and his rampant popularity among young voters all speaks for itself.

(ABC/ Ida Mae Astute)
His political track record is fairly consistent with the rhetoric he uses today more than Clinton and Trump, who have both
previously supported legislation that contradicts their modern platforms.
One of Sanders’ loudest
criticisms from people is that his political ideals are just that: too ideal. Many people think that his policies are unrealistic and mostly
To the average ear, it sounds like Sanders is overly dependent on the future promise of bipartisan cooperation and a crackdown on
political corruption.
It is very unlikely that certain right-winged members of congress who receive funding from the Koch Brothers will acknowledge the science and need for action behind
climate change. It’s also just as unlikely that Sanders will make it through the primaries if the college-residing millennials don’t
register to vote on time.
The primaries are here, and it’s that time again when the entire country cares about what’s going on in Iowa.
In the past few weeks, we have seen a massive change in the liberal media’s representation of Sanders, from deliberately underreporting on how he is gaining momentum to characterizing him as a belligerent and radical socialist—one who has rapidly caught up to Hillary.
For anyone who can’t be called a Republican, Hillary is more appealing than the right-winged alternative. It is unfortunate that even though we finally have a woman in decent standing to run for presidency, her attempts to connect with younger generations are forced and uncomfortable, and she has none of the fiery authenticity that her same-party competition (Sanders) does.
A woman for president? Count me in, but as much as I want my gender to be represented in the White House, I’m not ready to admit that Clinton’s policies and her charisma strike me as revolutionary. She’s too disconnected from younger generations and doesn’t represent what I would want in a president.
What Hillary has going for her, besides her long and arduous
political career, is that the bulk of her supporters aren’t in college. That’s a good thing because historically speaking, young people haven’t cared enough to vote, and the Baby Boomers have always outnumbered younger voices in the past. However, in this election the minority tide of young voters is expected to be explosive because of Sanders.
The fact is the number of
people who are prepared to vote for Sanders in the presidential election is different than the number who will potentially vote for him in the primaries.
College kids who vote, now that’s one thing, but college kids who go to schools far from where they’re registered to vote and will actually take extra steps to get an away-vote or change their voting districts, that’s unlikely at best.
There are less than two weeks left to register to vote in the primaries, and if Sanders’ supporters don’t turn out at the polls now, Hillary may just get the democratic nomination, and the liberal-social campaign to “Feel the Bern” will be dead and over.
The most unlikely part of
Bernie’s campaign isn’t his proposal for a single-payer health care system, neither is it his plan on
investing $5 billion in public infrastructure while capping carbon emissions.
No, the most unlikely part of Bernie’s campaign is that the
majority of his “supporters”—his college-attending, overworked and underpaid millennial supporters—are going to show up at the primaries and give him the same political support that they seem to show on social networks like Facebook.