As the fall 2020 semester comes to a close, students scramble to get everything finished and taken care of before Nov. 24. Classes are in the last three weeks and while finals are not as large of a stressor for some students this semester, other things like registration, for courses and graduation, are still right around the corner.
Registration for courses starts next week, the full list of classes offered for the upcoming winter semester was released on Oct. 19 and is available on NMU’s registrar page for students to look for possible classes they would like to take. Students can also search and plan more in depth using the course search under the student services tab through myNMU before their scheduled registration date.
While registering for courses, students who plan to graduate in May 2021 are also required to register for graduation, just like they would normal classes, using the registration tab and CRN provided. Options to attend a ceremony or not are offered for both graduate and undergraduate students. Just this simple step can be overlooked by many. “I did not even know about registering for graduation until a friend who works in the dean’s office told me to,” said Chloe Scamehorn, an NMU senior who is scheduled to graduate in May.
The registrar staff review the records of students who register for graduation and contact them if anything is missing. “That helps eliminate any surprises that would prevent a student from graduating,” said Kim Rotundo, administrator of the registrar office.
The degree evaluation offered though myNMU is fairly easy to navigate and straightforward, said Rotundo. The degree evaluation is available to all students and they can track their all course requirements for general education, majors and minors. Staff at the registrar office and academic advisors are always there to help for any other question’s students may have, Rotundo said. Contact the registrar’s office at or the academic and career advisement center at if you have any questions or concerns about class registration or graduation.