Talk to be held on critical race theory and constitutional law
September 2, 2021
Students with an interest in critical theory and critical race theory may be intrigued by an upcoming academic presentation to be held by Political Science department head Dr. Carter Wilson. In this discussion, Wilson will share his own research and relate concepts to recent court decisions, as well as previous rulings and constitutional amendments.
The talk will be held in Reynolds Recital Hall on Friday, Sept. 17 and will take place from 3 to 4:30 p.m.
Wilson “will begin his discussion by illustrating how Justice Anthony Kennedy used critical theory in the same-sex marriage decision (Obergefell v Hodges, 2015) and changed the meaning of originalism and textualism,” according to the NMU event calendar. “He will draw parallels between the attack on critical race theory during the 1850s and today and persistent efforts to undermine the intent of these amendments.”
Wilson’s academic interests include public policy, civil rights policy, economic policy and public administration.