What to know before casting vote in upcoming Midterm Elections

Sam Rush/NW

Ayanna Allen, Assistant News Editor

Election Day is approaching. Next Tuesday, Nov. 8, anyone registered to vote will be able to go and cast their ballots for the midterm elections.

As it is a midterm election year, all seats in the House of Representatives and 35 seats in the Senate are to be voted on. Additionally, 35 states, including Michigan, will be voting for a new governor. There are also local school board, judicial and ballot proposal races.

On the ballot in Michigan, there are not only congressional seats and the governor’s position to be contested but three ballot proposals. 

Proposal 1 requires financial disclosures and reduces term limits for state lawmakers from 14 to 12 years. Proposal 2 provides nine days of early voting, expands absentee voting and allows same-day voting without a state ID. Proposal 3 expands reproductive freedoms, not just regarding abortion, and invalidates Michigan’s 1931 ban on abortion. 

“I encourage people to think about what they are passionate about,” said Kate Gunville, junior political science major and president of Northern Votes. “Many things that we value are affected by policy decisions, so take your passions and see who would best support those, or which ballot proposal advocates for what you support.”

Unfortunately, there is not a lot of time left to request an absentee ballot for the state of Michigan as requests for it close on Nov. 4.  However, you can check to see if you are registered to vote for the next election, here. When checking to see if you’re registered to vote, it will inform you of your polling location.

“It is important to vote because it is the most tangible tool we have to voice our opinion. Decisions being made by elected officials do impact your life. As college students, we are young and have a lot of elections left,” said Gunville, “If we get in the habit of voting now, it will become a routine, of us voicing our opinion. Voting is not a time-consuming task, but it is highly important. Your vote is your voice, make sure you use it.”