NMU student body elects new ASNMU assembly

What to know about President-Elect Gwendolyn Feamster

Photo courtesy of James Asava

ASNMU ELECTION RESULTS – Current ASNMU Vice President Gwendolyn Feamster won the ASNMU Presidential Election. The President-Elect has outlined goals to address housing and dining.

Ryley Wilcox

ASNMU election results are in. Current ASNMU Vice President, Gwendolyn Feamster, won the presidential election on Friday, April 7, and will begin her role as ASNMU president for the upcoming academic year. The president-elect is from Linden, Michigan and will be a senior in the fall, working towards a double major in political science and philosophy. 

Feamster’s top priority as president-elect is getting known by the student body.

“My top priority is that students know who we are and that our name is apparent on campus,” Feamster said. “That’s done through outreach, communication and education.”

Outlined for the next academic year are a few goals. First on the list, Feamster wants to address student housing both on campus and off campus, as well as on-campus dining. 

“I want to improve dining and expand access to those that work late and have dietary restrictions,” Feamster said. “Additionally, we need a solidified long-term plan to address the housing crisis and need to create a short-term plan to address housing issues.”

Overall, Feamster is excited to transition into her role as ASNMU president next semester.

“I’m super excited to get to know student organizations and students, and to work with administrators to continue the betterment of this campus and campus life,” Feamster said. “I’m excited to shift ASNMU in a new direction that can outlast me.”

Feamster herself has been involved in Maple Hall Government, Feminism for All, Superior Edge, the Student Leader Fellowship Program, Phi Sigma Sigma, was a Resident Advisor in Birch Hall and Hunt Hall, an NMU Orientation Leader, and is a student in the honors program at NMU.

Joining Feamster on the Governing Body of ASNMU, is Vice President-Elect Micah Benjamin, who currently serves as ASNMU’s College of Health Sciences and Professional Studies Representative.   

Elected to the General Assembly are: On-Campus Apartment Representative-Elect Dana Hinckley; The Woods Representative-Elect Darcy Resch; Off Campus Representative-Elects Riley Dickerson, Alec LaPlante, Caleb Nimee and Miya Ohashi Berg; and College of Arts and Sciences Representative-Elects Brianna Artis, Janessa Brown and Ivy Fowler. 

The new ASNMU assembly will be sworn in on Friday, April 14, at 2:30 p.m. in Jamrich 1315.