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The North Wind

The North Wind

The North Wind

ASNMU ASSEMBLY — Introducing ASNMU President Dana Hinckley (left) and Vice President Ruby Joseph (right). Photo courtesy of Dana Hinckley

NMU student body elects new ASNMU assembly, votes on referendums

Ryley Wilcox April 25, 2024

Third-year student Dana Hinckley has been announced as ASNMU President for the 2024-2025 academic year. Prior to her election, Hinckley served as the On-Campus Apartments Representative for ASNMU....

A picture of ASMU's logo with the words "your student government" underneath

Q&A with ASNMU presidential candidates

Ryley Wilcox April 10, 2024

ASNMU, NMU's student government, elections open this week on Wednesday, April 10 and close Friday, April 12. On this year's ballot there are nine students running for office including two students for...

ASNMU ballot opens this week, allows students to voice their opinions

Rachel Pott April 9, 2024

The Associated Students of NMU (ASNMU) ballot will be available for students to vote on beginning Wednesday, April 10 at 8 a.m. The ballot will be sent to student emails on Wednesday morning and will contain...

Increase in Student Activity Fee moves to ballot after passing ASNMU vote

Rachel Pott March 22, 2024

Associated Students of NMU (ASNMU) has recently agreed to add an increase for the Student Activity Fee to the upcoming ballot. Referendum 1, which includes the increased fee, will be available on the ballot...

Joleigh Martinez/NW

Student activity fee increase to be on 2024 ASNMU general election ballot

Rachel Pott October 5, 2023

 Students will again have the chance to vote on a potential increase in the Student Activity Fee in April of 2024.  The Student Activity Fee was last voted on in 2022 and did not pass in a tied vote....

ASNMU ELECTION RESULTS - Current ASNMU Vice President Gwendolyn Feamster won the ASNMU Presidential Election. The President-Elect has outlined goals to address housing and dining.

NMU student body elects new ASNMU assembly

Ryley Wilcox April 13, 2023

ASNMU election results are in. Current ASNMU Vice President, Gwendolyn Feamster, won the presidential election on Friday, April 7, and will begin her role as ASNMU president for the upcoming academic year....

Joleigh Martinez/NW

ASNMU holds elections for upcoming academic year

Ryley Wilcox April 5, 2023

Starting at 8 a.m. this morning, students can vote for president, vice-president and representatives of the Associated Students of NMU (ASNMU) for the 2023-2024 academic year. The poll will close at 5...

ASNMU election candidates face off in debate

ASNMU election candidates face off in debate

Joad Blaauw-Hara, Contributing writer April 3, 2023

The ASNMU presidential debate took place between running candidates last Wednesday night. The event precedes the ASNMU general election, which will take place from April 4 to April 7. Presidential and...

ASNMU encourages student government participation

Ryley Wilcox March 16, 2023

The Associated Students of NMU (ASNMU) is tabling in Jamrich Hall from 3 to 4:30 p.m. Friday for the upcoming ASNMU election cycle. ASNMU is the student government organization at NMU that represents and...

Sam Rush/NW

ASNMU swears in new assembly

Justin Van't Hof, Editor-in-Chief April 27, 2022

The results of the ASNMU election were announced early last week with a new cohort being sworn into the roles of president, vice president and representatives.  Zora Binert was elected president of...

Editorial—Appreciating impacts of ASNMU’s Period Project

Editorial—Appreciating impacts of ASNMU’s Period Project

North Wind Staff February 11, 2022
For those who menstruate, any price reduction on hygiene products can make a big difference in their finances. The statewide talk surrounding the removal of the tampon tax prompted us at the North Wind to think about accessibility of period products in our community. We have ASNMU’s Period Project to thank for greatly increasing this accessibility for students.
HEALING CIRCLE - Members of Morning Thunder play a closing song after the unveiling of the NMU land acknowledgement at the morning ceremony for Indigenous Peoples' Day 2021. The land acknowledgement sign and recognition of Indigenous Peoples' Day were long processes that the Native community on NMU's campus strove to bring into existence.

Native groups on campus continued advocacy for Indigenous recognition

Akasha Khalsa, Opinion Editor October 15, 2021

This week marked a long-awaited event on campus: the second annual university-recognized celebration of Indigenous Peoples’ Day, and the placement of a land acknowledgement on campus. In light of this...

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