Taking action at Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service

Students gather to hear speeches, participate in service projects and encourage change.
A GREAT START — Student Shiloh Bechek, chairman of the Black Student Union, opens the gathering with a speech highlighting Martin Luther King Jr.s profound legacy.
A GREAT START — Student Shiloh Bechek, chairman of the Black Student Union, opens the gathering with a speech highlighting Martin Luther King Jr.’s profound legacy.
Amelia Kashian/NW

NMU students gathered in the Woods Lodge on Monday, Jan. 15 in memoriam of Martin Luther King Jr. to give back to the community and reinforce the importance of equality.

The event began with a speech from Black Student Union Chairman Shiloh Bechek, who spoke about the achievements of MLK and change that is yet to come. President Brock Tessman then stepped up to the podium and expressed his and the university’s regard for justice and equality within its community. Finally, Kash Dhanapal, associate director of housing auxiliary operations, stepped in for NMU alum Ann Taylor Johnson and gave her speech discussing the pursuit of justice and social change.

Following the speeches, those attending were provided lunch and encouraged to work on a variety of service projects. Students made fleece blankets for the women’s shelter, cards and bracelets for the Norlite Nursing Center and dog toys for the Upper Peninsula Animal Welfare Center (UPAWS).

TEAMWORK — Students work together and cut string for friendship bracelets as part of a service project. (Amelia Kashian/NW)

“MLK was very selfless and put a lot of service behind his work,” said Jenna Williams, coordinator of the Center for Student Enrichment. “Memorializing that by doing small things to help boost the community is very important. It’s a great day for students to come out, remember what this day is all about and do a little bit to help the community.”

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