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Graphic by Deirdre Northrup-Riesterer
Graphic by Deirdre Northrup-Riesterer

NMU students bug out over new club on campus

Entomology Club offers a new space for students’ interests.

Northern Michigan University offers a wide variety of clubs and student organizations, and one of the newest to be brought to campus is the Entomology Club. 

Entomology is the study of insects, including the insects themselves and their interactions with aspects of their environment such as plants, animals, humans and other insects. 

Biology students Josie Pardel and Mollie Haremza worked together to create the club due to their love of insects and wanted to create a space for fellow NMU students to share their interests. 

“We are hoping that students can gain a further understanding, interest and passion for different insects,” Pardel said. “As well as being able to have a community in which they can express their fondness for bugs.”

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The club does not currently have a weekly meeting time, but students interested in joining should look on the Hub for events hosted until a meeting time is decided. 

For the winter semester, the club has many events planned to inspire students to be buggier. Bug hikes, constructing insect hotels, bug pinning workshops and aquatic macroinvertebrate sampling are all on the agenda.

“Students should join our club to learn more about insects, what makes them cool and important to ecosystems around the world, as well as to have some fun and learn some interesting facts about different insect species,” Pardel said.

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