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The boons and banes of spring break

STOP AND LOOK — Spring break is a time to enjoy the weather, as the wind warms and the grass grows through the snow.
STOP AND LOOK — Spring break is a time to enjoy the weather, as the wind warms and the grass grows through the snow.
Antonio Anderson

In truth, I always crash before spring break. I hit the deepest slump of either semester. I turn into an utter blob of anti-work. Hopefully, I am not alone when I say that I rely on spring break to rejuvenate me. Yet I always run into the same issue after it. spring break ruins my rhythm.

I develop a rhythm for how I operate in class, my jobs, internships and homework. I can never find this rhythm, as this rhythm always finds me. It develops slowly, like a river carving out a canyon. Whenever I go into a semester with a planned schedule, I usually ditch it within the second week of classes. Yet I am still human and thus a creature of habit. I do develop a schedule, one that is usually unknown until I am removed from it. Once a single thing goes amiss from this rhythm, it turns into a series of missteps until everything is ruined. Maybe I am being a bit dramatic.

My mother imparted a piece of military advice to me, “get used to the suck.” That is usually how my average semester goes. As a person working two jobs, doing an internship, running a student club, all while commuting 30 minutes each way, it can suck. But I get used to it and then thrive in it. Yet once I get a piece of heaven, I realize what hell I am living in. Maybe I am being a bit dramatic.

Spring break is heaven though— nothing but my job and a lot of free time. I spent it doing chores, binging TV shows, reading, hanging out with friends and more. Now I have returned to school and no free time. The first week back, my entire innate schedule has been in disarray. I woke up late, I sat in the wrong seats, I forgot to eat and forgot specific dates. My entire rhythm is off, so now instead of dancing through the pain, I am flailing. Maybe I am being a bit dramatic.

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Spring break isn’t so bad, and without it, I probably would just sink into a pocket dimension of laziness on my couch. But it does have an adverse effect, and I am not being dramatic about that.

Editor’s Note: The North Wind is committed to offering a free and open public forum of ideas, publishing a wide range of viewpoints to accurately represent the NMU student body. This is a staff column, written by an employee of the North Wind. As such, it expresses the personal opinions of the individual writer, and does not necessarily reflect the position of the North Wind Editorial Board.

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