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Hoop Soup — Hoop House enjoys recent harvest

Soup, snacks created from self-grown produce are enjoyed by the Hoop House.
COOKING UP A STORM — A table filled with home made dishes.
COOKING UP A STORM — A table filled with home made dishes.
Maggie Franzen

A comforting and familiar smell filled the hallways of the Science Building. Homemade soups and treats made the air around the room almost irresistible. The aromas were not the only homely aspect of this event. Throughout its entirety, there was a strong sense of community, laughter and joy that made anyone feel welcome.

The Hoop House Club hosted their annual “Hoop Soup” meeting, featuring homemade soups made with ingredients from their own harvest on Thursday, March 13.

The Hoop House is a student-led community garden on campus, where students gather to plant all types of produce to further their understanding of gardening and its processes.

“It strengthens our ties together because the Hoop is so volunteer- and service-based. It gives us a chance to really become friends and build a community outside of the physical labor,” said Madison Carico, Hoop House co-leader.

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Having the opportunity to get together in a non-classroom or garden setting without getting their hands dirty is a rare occasion for this group. So, when the time comes to connect as a community, they make the most of it.

“The Hoop House is so much work and labor and actually doing things. This gives us a chance to sit down as a community, hang out and enjoy some soup,” Carico said.

Participants took the produce from their garden to share different soup recipes with their fellow gardeners. They do not take the unique opportunity to create wonderful dishes from produce they grew themselves for granted. Many college students struggle to gain access to fresh produce, but for this group, it’s the perfect reward for all their hard work.

“It’s nice to see the results of the hard work and energy that we put in,” said Abby Owen, Hoop House co-leader. “People always say food tastes better when you make it yourself.”

The group advocates for everyone in the community to have the opportunity to get involved in their garden, with or without experience. If students are looking to learn more about growing their own produce, the Hoop House is the place to be.

A nurturing place not only for produce but also for connections, friendships and learning, the garden is located near the Jacobetti Center if students want to pop in and scope things out.

The organization is hosting an “Intro to Gardening” seminar on Wednesday, March 19. This seminar will cover the basics and first steps of gardening. Information on the event will be made available to students and staff via the Hub.

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