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The Student News Site of Northern Michigan University

The North Wind

The North Wind

The North Wind

GROOVE — Students began with learning simple line dance steps before speeding up to match the tempo of the song.

SLFP event teaches students basics of line dancing

Elizabeth Loy March 24, 2025

Students gathered in the Northern Center on March 19 to participate in an evening of line dancing hosted by the Student Leader Fellowship Program (SLFP). The class was hosted by Courtney Larson, a junior...

FRIENDLY COMPETITION — The track and field contestants all receive trophies after competing against each other in the SAAC's jeopardy event.

Student Athlete Advisory Committee hosts family feud

Lindsey Hollander March 21, 2025

The Student Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC) hosted an athlete family feud on Tuesday, Mar. 18. This allowed friendly debate and conversation to flow between the upperclassmen and underclassmen athletes...

MAKING ART— Rebecca Daly discusses protest art with students interested in creating their own.

Student Leader Fellowship Program teaches students about protest art, history

Lindsey Hollander March 21, 2025

The Student Leader Fellowship Program (SLFP) hosted an event Friday, March 14, where students learned about protest art while creating their own.  Students showed their support for many different causes...

BAKE SALE — NMU's Entomology Club hosted a two-day bake sale in Jamrich Hall.

Students get buggy at on-campus bake sale

Megan Voorhees March 18, 2025

Buggy treats like dirt cups, buggy chow (puppy chow), bug legs (chocolate covered pretzels) and sugar cookies with bugs decorated on them were on the menu today for a bake sale on campus.  The Entomology...

TEACH —  NMU student Libby Myren presents the difference between misinformation, disinformation and what drives someone to spread them online.

Misinformation, disinformation event teaches students to think critically

Elizabeth Loy March 18, 2025

The Student Leader Fellowship Program (SLFP) and the League of Women Voters of Marquette County hosted a presentation about how to identify and respond to misinformation and disinformation, primarily on...

TELL YOUR STORY -  Hanif Abdurraqib stands before his audience, inspiring them with his words.

Writer Hanif Abdurraqib visits NMU

Lindsey Hollander March 12, 2025

NMU’s English department hosted a visiting writers series featuring Hanif Abdurraqib, a poet, essayist and cultural critic from Columbus, Ohio on Thursday, Feb. 20. Abdurraqib’s poetry, essays and...

LISTEN AND LEARN - Marquette Ending Hunger hosts a trivia night using Quizzizz.

Marquette Ending Hunger hosts trivia night

Lindsey Hollander March 11, 2025

On Wednesday, Feb. 26, Marquette Ending Hunger (MEH) hosted a trivia night with fun prizes for the top three winners. These prizes included a Lego set, a speaker and a gift card to Blossom Bird Bubble...

BAKING TIME — Presenter Susan Robison explains what goes into sourdough starter at a Skill Builder called, "The Wonders of Sourdough."

SLFP holds Skill Builder, teaches ins and outs of sourdough making

Elizabeth Loy February 27, 2025

Students gathered in Jamrich on Feb. 17 to attend a Skill Builder, "The Wonders of Sourdough," where they would learn the ins and outs of the history of sourdough, how to make your own starter and how...

CELEBRATE LOVE - The Black Student Union hosted a bake sale in the Jamrich ticket booth for Black Love Day.

Black Student Union hosts Black Love Day bake sale

Lindsey Hollander February 24, 2025

On Thursday, Feb. 13 in the Jamrich ticket booth, the Black Student Union hosted their Black Love Day Bake Sale. They had an assortment of baked goods for sale, ranging from cookies, puppy chow, chocolate-covered...

SWEETS - Upon entering Hedgcock on Valentine's Day, students were met with a variety of sweet treats and homemade Valentines.

Student Support Services hosts festive Valentine’s Day bake sale

Elizabeth Loy February 24, 2025

Student Support Services hosted a bake sale to raise money for student events on Friday, Feb. 14 in Hedgcock where students could purchase baked goods and Valentines.  The on-campus organization aids...

Graphic by Deirdre Northrup-Riesterer

Alpha Gamma Delta bakes goodies for change

Megan Voorhees February 24, 2025

Sorority members on Northern Michigan University’s campus use their baking skills to kickstart change in the community.  One of NMU’s sorority chapters. Alpha Gamma Delta, hosted a bake sale in...

TURN IT UP - Upon entering The Emporium record store, customers are greeted with rows of vintage vinyl to search through.

Emporium record store hosts grand opening

Elizabeth Loy February 24, 2025

The Emporium record store hosted a grand opening event on Friday, Feb. 14 at their new location on Third Street in downtown Marquette.  The store carries gently used vintage vinyl along with vintage...

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