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The Student News Site of Northern Michigan University

The North Wind

The North Wind

The North Wind

Elizabeth Loy

Elizabeth Loy, Assistant News Editor

Hello! My name is Elizabeth, and I am the assistant news editor for the North Wind! I am from East Jordan, MI, which is a small town about an hour north of Traverse City. I am majoring in Multimedia Journalism, with minors in English and Spanish. My hobbies include reading, writing, hiking, and scrapbooking. I also love going to the beach, shopping with friends, and listening to music! My love for journalism started in my junior year of high school when I took my first journalism class, and I fell in love with writing all types of stories and taking pictures at school events. I am thrilled to be working for the North Wind this year! After graduating from Northern, I plan to write for a newspaper or be a news anchor on TV.
All content by Elizabeth Loy
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