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The Student News Site of Northern Michigan University

The North Wind

The North Wind

The North Wind

EXPRESS YOURSELF — Greta Hillstrom, owner of Fancy-Free, poses with her cat Bobbi McGee in front of one of the store's several home décor displays. Fancy-Free is a curated thrift store with the goal of promoting creativity and art within the local community.

Fancy-Free, a curated thrift experience

Andie Balenger February 6, 2023

What does it mean to be “fancy-free”? Despite opening a small thrift store by that name in Feb. 2021, U.P. native Greta Hillstrom has been living what she describes as “fancy-free” for the majority...

Thrifting helps environment

Thrifting helps environment

Peter Smedley October 10, 2019

The rise of consumerism has had a secondary effect on the newer generation. Instead of traveling to the nearest mall, many have decided to decline the newest trendy clothing, and have chosen to thrift...

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