Lecture held about Lautner
Frank Escher will speak about John Lautner as part of the DeVos Art Museum’s exhibit on Lautner’s architecture.
Escher has lectured extensively on Lautner before and is coming to NMU to talk about the legacy of Lautner’s work. He will discuss the eight residential buildings featured in the museum and the restoration of the Chemosphere.
“Lautner is one of NMU’s most prestigious alums,” said Melissa Matuscak, director and curator of the DeVos Museum. “The DeVos is hosting a series of events in conjunction with Friday’s talk and reception.”
The lecture is in congruence with the “John Lautner: A Life in Architecture” exhibitions, currently on display at the DeVos and Marquette Regional History Center. The speech will be held at 5 p.m. Friday, Sept. 2, in the DeVos Art Museum.
–– Andrea McKernan
Canoe and kayak social held
From noon to 5 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 3 at Harlow Lake, the NMU Outdoor Recreation Center (ORC) is holding a Canoe and Kayak Social.
Transportation will be provided for the first 10 people that sign up. The ORC will have nine kayaks and four canoes for participants.
“In the past, our socials have gone very well with participants paddling for hours and loving every minute,” said Kelly McMahon, the ORC rental manager.
The cost for students and community members with a PEIF pass is $10, and $15 for everyone else, unless they arrive with their own canoes or kayaks.
“This event is for anybody and everybody. There is no experience needed; there is no age requirement,” McMahon said.
For more information, please contact Tricia Bush at [email protected].
— Hannah Vissering
Take a walking tour downtown
At 11 a.m., on Friday, Sept. 2 at NMU will be hosting the 2nd Annual Walking Tour of Downtown Marquette. This tour is free and open to the public. It is sponsored by Jump Start. People who wish to participate should meet in 3001 Hedgcock.
Participants will visit business walking distance from campus on Third and Washington Street. There will be stops at businesses such as Hot Plate, Vango’s, The Wild Rover, Casualties Skate and Snow, Down Wind Sports, and many more. This tour gives the community a chance to learn more about what each business offers, shop local, and receive free samples.
For more information, contact Star Murray at [email protected] or 906-227-1554.
— Shaina James