In 2004, I pledged my allegiance to the band of Ned Schneebly. Even today, 11 years later, I find myself watching School of Rock once a month at the least.
The first time you hear a new song, see a new movie or read a new book is full of possibilities.
Everything is new at one point, which means you’re using cognitive energy.
With each additional exposure, you free more brain capacity for other things.
In today’s multitasking society, this is especially important. Maybe not as much with books, but when you’re consuming movies, shows and songs you can get other things done as well, like watching, “Sleeping Beauty” while writing an article for the North Wind.
Having some background noise helps me feel more accomplished when I’m also doing assignments, crocheting
or cleaning.
I don’t have enough time to do these things by themselves. None of us do. We’re all pressured today to do more things and become more
well-rounded people.
If I somehow do find the time to focus on only one task, something amazing happens. I notice details that I missed before.
Your first time through a song, book, movie or show, you’re trying to figure out what exactly is happening.
After that, you’re free to analyze why.
Why did an adult man write about life from the eyes of a teenage girl? Why did that band pick a saxophone for the instrumental solo over all the other instruments? Why are these characters having a serious conversation on a playground?
English classes aren’t just training your minds to analyze the books you read. They’re designed to help you analyze the deeper meaning in your own life. The best way to expand your mind is to ask questions, figure out how one change might lead to a completely
different work.
The older we get, the more knowledge we have about the world.
This will help us really comprehend what we missed when we were younger.
One of my favorite movies is, “The Little Mermaid,” and at one point, Ariel tells her father that she’s 16 and isn’t a
child anymore.
When I was younger, I thought being 16 was super cool.
Today, watching that movie makes me laugh at that scene. At sixteen, I was definitely still a child.
When rereading a book or replaying a song, movie or show, the most important lessons we can learn is about ourselves.
Analyzing the content of the media is great, but analyzing yourself is even better.
Beyond reminiscing, thinking about the person you were when you previously heard or read something can teach us so much.
While I was shopping the other day, I heard “Far Away” by Nickelback and immediately started giggling.
Cue the middle school flashbacks of awkward slow dancing with my first boyfriend.
Thinking back to those days made me realize how much I’ve matured over the years and even though I don’t always feel like it, that I am
an adult.
Something about another exposure to media can serve as a time capsule.
Hearing that song again, seeing that movie or show one more time or re-reading that book digs up old memories.
You can look back and see who you used to be compared to who you are now.
Since we’re all constantly changing and evolving as people, we can’t forget to grow our minds as well.
You could spend your time being exposed to hundreds of movies, books, shows or songs.
You might learn a few new words or facts. Or you can spend your time deeply analyzing by listening to the same songs, reading the same books and watching the same movies and TV shows.
New things are good once in awhile, but revisiting your favorites can help truly expand
your mind.
Next time you’re not sure what to do with your free time, revisit an old favorite book, song, show or movie.
See how much repeats can teach you about the world
and yourself.