The Student News Site of Northern Michigan University

The North Wind

The North Wind

The North Wind

The North Wind Editorial Sessions
About us

The North Wind is an independent student publication serving the Northern Michigan University community. It is partially funded by the Student Activity Fee. The North Wind digital paper is published daily during the fall and winter semesters except on university holidays and during exam weeks. The North Wind Board of Directors is composed of representatives of the student body, faculty, administration and area media.

Students protest against Israel-Hamas war with campus encampment
Students protest against Israel-Hamas war with campus encampment
Dallas Wiertella April 30, 2024

Senior staff members say goodbye


Trevor Drew

As my final days as an NMU student approach, naturally I’ve pondered my time here. Overall, Northern has provided me with the tools and resources to become a well developed professional, as well as an overwhelming sense of identity and community.

One of my favorite aspects of attending school here is the strong sense of unity I feel with fellow students, faculty and staff. There is no question about it. We are all Wildcats here on this campus.

But like everything in this world, NMU is not free from vices by any means. Northern’s most apparent vice is a lack of concern for student opinion.

This past year I’ve observed tremendous efforts put forth by various student groups on campus to make changes they believe are for the overall good of NMU. But sadly, not much ever came of those efforts.

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From showing up to Board of Trustee meetings to voice concerns, circulating petitions and organizing events and groups, I’m not sure if students could have spelled it out any clearer.
I want to take the opportunity to encourage students to not become complacent and continue to strive for changes they believe are best for the university. Complacency leads to nothing but failure.

As for the North Winders I leave behind, always remember the main purpose of our paper is to benefit and inform students. Everything you do as journalists at NMU should fulfill this function. You will be faced with challenging situations in the future but as long as you remember this, you’ll do no wrong. God bless and take it easy.

Winter Keefer

Looking back on two years at this amazing paper, I am overwhelmed by how many people I have to thank for their support and encouragement. The late nights have been more than worth it and these will be the memories that last.

As we approach the New Radicals and Death Grips time of the night, sleep deprivation can’t outway my feeling of contentment as I do a job I love while working with the best in the Midwest.

Jackie, thank you for your unending wisdom and guidance. Over the past couple of years, you have been a phenomenal mentor and now friend. Jim, thank you for challenging me. Your encouragement is what inspired me to pursue journalism. Jon, thank you for your endless support and belief in me. Dr. B, thank you for your guidance. Also, Magnetic North is pure gold. Trinity, thank you for being the greatest right-hand man I could have asked for, from day one to the end. Trevor, thank you for being just as excited about my success as I am. I promise I am just as excited about yours too.

Thank you to past staff members who helped guide me, especially Von, Kayla and Rachel. I wouldn’t have grown into the journalist I am without you. Most importantly, thank you to my hardworking staff. We did it. Tim, I have full faith that you’ll be incredible next year and continue to build on what we’ve achieved.

I am proud to have served as Editor-in-Chief of the Associated Collegiate Press’s Best in the Midwest Four Year Weekly Newspaper and NMU’s Student Activity Fee Funded Organization of the Year.

Trinity Carey

As graduation approaches and my time at The North Wind comes to an end, I look back astonished at how my college career and time at the paper has shaped me. I was undeclared half of my time at Northern. I ended up in a class called News Writing & Reporting, and that class I signed up for simply for the credits has led me to my two years at The North Wind, and now my pursuit for a career in journalism.

Thank you Jim, for filling your classes with stories of your experiences and love of the craft. Your passion for the profession inspired me to pursue this field further, and brought me to The North Wind, where I made incredible memories.

Thank you Jackie, for always being our biggest supporter and number one fan. While at times we tried to push your buttons with what we published, the overall goal was always to create a paper you’d be proud of. The advice, guidance, opportunities and laughs you’ve given me in the last two years are truly invaluable.

To my North Wind fam, I’m thankful to have met every single one of you who have passed through the newsroom over these last two years. This paper has led me to some of the most incredible souls, and I’m grateful for every 3 a.m. production night. I’m honored to have been able to call myself a North Winder for the past two years.

I’m leaving here with the experience, confidence and passion to pursue journalism, and am eternally grateful I got to experience this with all of you, at the best college newspaper in the Midwest.

Jamie Glenn

Aug. 29, 2016, was the day I finally built up enough courage to walk into The North Wind for the first time. Little did I know, after that day my life would be changed forever. This community has become one of my favorite parts of Northern. I’ve gained a sense of purpose because of all of the amazing people I’ve worked with at The North Wind.

I’ve had the privilege of going to some interesting places and interacting with some amazing people. Every person that I’ve come into contact with for a story has helped push me out of my comfort zone in one way or another, and I’m thankful to have been given the opportunity to share your stories. It is the students, faculty, staff and community members alike that have allowed me to grow. Thank you to all of my friends and family who have encouraged me to keep writing. Your support has kept me sane.

To all of the amazing professors who have shared their wisdom and knowledge with me, thank you. I send the deepest gratitude to all of the professors that I’ve worked with, both past and present who have guided and encouraged me to reach higher. I will always be grateful for the time and care you took to make sure we could succeed and grow as writers.

It truly has been an honor to work alongside some of the most passionate, empathetic and talented journalists in the game. You have all helped shape me into a more confident writer. It’s been such an honor to get to know all of you. I hope the words you craft following graduation allow you to build beautiful lives.

Kara Toay

When I first started at The North Wind, I was shy and didn’t quite know what to expect, but over the course of my two years here I have grown so much.

I have become more confident and stepped out of my comfort zone, which is more than I could have ever imagined. I have my professors, especially Jim McCommons and Jon Billman, our adviser Jackie Stark and my coworkers to thank for that. I don’t know what I would have done if all of you hadn’t pushed me out of my comfort zone and encouraged me to do my best.

I also want to thank my parents for always supporting me in my endeavors. I have gotten to meet so many amazing people and write about so many different opportunities because of all of you.

I will always be thankful for the memories that I have made throughout my time working at The North Wind. I’ll always remember tossing the squishy ball—that was once our windy—around and trying to catch it with our eyes closed, as well as going to Best of the Midwest, where Trevor cheered so loud he startled the whole room.

We have accomplished so much with each other over the last two years, and I honestly couldn’t imagine doing it with anyone else. I believe people meet one another for a reason, and The North Wind and all of my coworkers will always hold a special place in my heart as I move on to the rest of my career. Here’s to our next adventure as we blossom into our own

Noah Hausmann

I want to thank all the teachers, mentors and friends who have inspired me to be a better scholar, thinker and contributor to society—especially my parents, professors David Wood, Jim McCommons, Jon Billman and Matt Frank, our adviser Jackie Stark, and His House campus ministers Pete Elenbaas and Sam Galvin, as well as my cadre of college-aged companions and confidants. You’ve encouraged me and helped me strive to be my best. I wouldn’t be graduating without the work ethic and grace under pressure that I’ve had to learn.

Working at The North Wind has been a joy and a headache at times, a privilege and a solemn duty. I’m grateful for everyone who has helped me along the way to tell the stories our community deserves to hear. I think our staff has served Marquette and the university well, spreading truth and raising up voices. I’m proud to have been a part of this wonderful, award-winning team of journalists during these rollercoaster years.

I will always remember the long production nights, debates over apostrophe placement, pounds of candy, and singing along to New Radicals and Beach Boys as well as the thrill of holding our freshly printed hard work just hours later. During my four years here, I’ve grown as a person, and after NMU I want to continue to make a difference in this world.

I hope to be a reporter for a newspaper or magazine somewhere in the Midwest, as well as to further my creative writing by publishing a book of sci-fi stories. Hopefully my writing, both creative and journalistic, will stir people to think deeper and dream bigger.

Lindsey Eaton

As my time at NMU and The North Wind come to an end, I am amazed by the experiences I have had and the relationships I have made.

I am so thankful for all of the experiences I have had here at NMU; being a part of The North Wind newspaper, Cru (formerly campus crusade for Christ), Superior Edge, “the Swinging Cats” and various other student organizations. I truly believe that each and every student organization that I tried and got involved in helped me to grow in a different way.

My advice to those of you remaining here at NMU would be, don’t exhaust yourself trying to get the very best grades. Try to learn something and grow, and do your very best. The highest grades won’t matter once you’re applying for jobs, because future employers are more concerned about how you apply what you’ve learned.

Get involved. Find something that makes you excited for a portion of the week, something you can look forward to and keep you going when times get rough.

Find a community. Cru was a special organization I looked forward to every week, and helped me find a sense of belonging. When I was struggling, the people there were always willing to support me.

If you are one of the many students that has to work to stay afloat during college, find a job you enjoy with people you like. That’s what The North Wind was for me. Sometimes the people alone will make the job worth doing.

Goodbye, NMU and The North Wind, you will always have a special place in my heart.

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