Opinion – Should I stay or should I go?

A student perspective on how to spend summer vacation

Photo courtesy of Rylynn Sladek

HOME AWAY FROM HOME — NMU Senior Rylynn Sladek poses for a photo while on a hike in Marquette. Sladek has chosen to stay in the Upper Peninsula for the past two summers due to the variety of activities, from beach days to farmer’s market hauls, that the community has to offer.

Abbey Lamb, Contributing Writer

Many students have the same thought each year: “Should I stay in Marquette for the summer, or should I go back home?”

This tough choice plagues the minds of students year after year for good reason. Measuring the benefits of heading back to your hometown against the perks of staying in Marquette can be a difficult choice for some.  

“I’ve stayed in Marquette for the last two summers,” senior Rylynn Sladek said. “There are so many things that I can just go out and do, unlike in my hometown.” 

Marquette is filled with activities that can satisfy your summer boredom both day and night. From taking hikes, chilling on the beach or finding other activities that Marquette offers, there are so many things that can fill up your free time. 

With a wide variety of fresh produce from farms and homemade goods from local shops, Sladek enjoys visiting bi-weekly throughout the summer months. 

“There’s always a good amount of booths there and lots of different options at each, I’ve never gone to the market and left empty-handed,” Sladek said.

Not only does Marquette offer the farmer’s market, but Lake Superior spans a large area of the city and the beaches are free to access. Whether you want to go to a popular college beach like McCarty’s Cove or a family one like Clark Lambros, there is a space for everyone. 

“It may be a hassle to find a parking spot, but on a hot summer day the beach will always be there,” Sladek said. 

Northern attracts many students because of its access to outdoor recreation, particularly hiking, biking and backcountry camping. NMU student Lauren Sosnosky chose to stay in the Marquette area last summer because of these adventurous opportunities. 

“One of my favorite things to do during the summer is going on hikes with my friends, something that I don’t really have a lot of options for at home,” Sosnosky said. “I stayed here last summer and I’m planning to stay for this one. It’s nice to be able to stay up here for the summer and maintain all my freedom.” 

HOME SWEET HOME — Anna Deal walks a sandy path in her hometown of Kalamazoo, Michigan. Like many students, Deal decides to trek home over summer break to reconnect with family and friends she has missed throughout the school year. (Photo courtesy of Anna Deal)

Many students that are going into their third or fourth year in college have a house or apartment locally in Marquette, making it easier for them to stay for the summer. However, there are many students that decide to leave Marquette for the summer and head back to their hometowns. 

“I’ve decided to go home for the summer, just because there are a lot more opportunities in my hometown,” sophomore Anna Deal said. “It’s nice to know that there is always going to be what I need at home, whether it’s a full fridge of food or not having to worry about finding a new job. The security of it is good to have.”

One of the big reasons students choose to go home over summer break is to save money. Staying home gives you the ability to work in your hometown and defer some of the costs that you would have when staying in Marquette. Some students have jobs waiting for them at home.

“I’ve been working at the same place for the last two summers and it’s easy to just keep going back,” Deal said. 

Not only are there some financial benefits of going home for the summer, but you also get to see your family. 

“It’s nice to have that time with your family in the summer. I’ve spent so long away from them and being home with them is nice,” junior Nate Lipchik said. “I’ve stayed in Marquette, and I’ve spent a summer at home, either decision is a good decision.” 

There are so many different things going for each of these options, you just have to figure out which one best fits you and others in your life.

Editor’s Note: The North Wind is committed to offering a free and open public forum of ideas, publishing a wide range of viewpoints to accurately represent the NMU student body. This piece is a guest column, written by a Northern Michigan University student, faculty member, or community member. It expresses the personal opinions of the individual writer, and does not necessarily reflect the views of the North Wind. The North Wind reserves the right to avoid publishing columns that do not meet the North Wind’s publication standards. To submit a guest column contact the opinion editor at [email protected] with the subject North Wind Guest Column.