SLFP encourages student leadership, gaining volunteer experience


Joleigh Martinez/NW

SLFP — Students interested in gaining leadership experience should stop by the Student Leader Fellowship Program’s upcoming informational hot chocolate tablings every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday for the next three weeks from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Jamrich. SLFP is a two-year program building new leaders of NMU, the Marquette community and beyond.

Madoline Plattenberg

Students interested in gaining leadership experience should stop by the Student Leader Fellowship Program’s upcoming informational hot chocolate tablings every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday for the next three weeks from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Jamrich.

For students on the fence about applying, former SLFP students will be present at the tablings to share their experiences and what they got out of the program, according to Dana Rinkel, a senior biology major and SLFP’s leadership program’s coordinator.

“I think just coming up and talking to us at a hot chocolate table is just a really informal way to learn more about the program,” Rinkel said. “I think the program is really great because as a biology major myself, I got to meet a lot of people outside of my major and make some really good friendships that way.”

SLFP is a two-year program building new leaders of NMU, the Marquette community and beyond. Students have the opportunity to apply during the second semester of their first year and the program begins at the end of that year, Rinkel said. 

“It’s a great way to kind of take a break from what you’re doing for classes and get out there and involved on campus,” Rinkel said. “Students do a lot of volunteer work which is really cool, and we want those students that are motivated to do that type of work.”

During their first year students will get to be involved in a retreat and a two-credit leadership class, and in their second year are involved in a 100-hour community service internship that they are passionate about, Rinkel said.

“Students will learn a lot about different leadership styles and kind of figure out who they are as a leader, and you’re also paired up with a community mentor that might have similar interests with you or might work in a career field,” Rinkel said.

Any students who have questions or are looking for more information can stop by the NMU Center for Student Enrichment or email [email protected] for more information.