Pop-up shop gives students experience in pricing, selling artwork
STUDENT ART – NMU student artists sell crocheted turtles, handcrafted necklaces and rings, paintings and digital art to customers at the Students’ Art Gallery x Ore Dock pop-up shop. The next pop-up shop is scheduled for April 6.
February 24, 2023
The Students’ Art Gallery* (SAG*) hosted a pop-up shop at the Ore Dock Brewing Co. Wednesday, Feb. 22 from 5 to 8 p.m., giving student artists an opportunity to sell their work.
There were a total of 14 student vendors stationed on the second floor of the Ore Dock Brewery selling paintings and digital art prints, handmade rings and necklaces, crocheted turtles and stickers among other merchandise.
In order to participate, vendors signed up in the Art and Design department office with a $1 payment to secure a table.
The SAG* and the Ore Dock collaborate twice a semester to put on a pop-up shop. To plan a pop-up shop the SAG* selects a date and advertises the event with posters around campus and on Instagram, @sagnmu. The Ore Dock also advertises for the SAG* on their Facebook page.
To advertise to students, Delaney Pickett, art director for the SAG*, also speaks in front of art and design classes, letting students know about both the upcoming pop-up shop and the gallery itself located in the Lydia M. Olson Library. The SAG* is open Monday through Friday 10 to 7 p.m. and Saturday 10 to 5 p.m.
Pickett organized the shop to gain skills herself, but also for students to gain experience.
“It is just a good experience to sell your art and learn how to price your work, so I enjoy being here to get better at doing that,” Pickett said.
But Pickett’s favorite part is getting to tell shoppers about her art, particularly a work of art of her cat.
“Everyone that comes up goes ‘Oh my god, you know who that looks like?’ and it’s about their own cat,” Pickett said. “Which is exactly why I created it, to create that reach out because it is fun to have those conversations and meet people who are interested in the same things as you.”
Nicole Cash, a student not in the art and design program, was one of the 14 vendors at the pop-up shop, who was inspired to sell crocheted turtles after viewing the poster.
“I really just saw the poster in my mailbox and I said, ‘Ooh, selling stuff. Sign me up,’” Cash said.
Cash enjoyed the pop-up shop due to the recognition it gives to student art and the positive feedback received from visiting community members.
“It is a good way to get exposure for artists, and I like that the community engages with us,” Cash said.
In addition to making money on her art, Cash also went to the Ore Dock to share her passion for crocheting.
“I really love to crochet and I do not think enough people know how to crochet, it’s like a lost art and everyone calls me an old lady,” Cash said.
Another SAG* pop-up shop at the Ore Dock is scheduled for April 6. Students can participate as vendors by signing up in the Art and Design office.
Some of the student artists from the pop-up shop on Wednesday, Feb. 22 are pictured below with their merchandise.