The Student News Site of Northern Michigan University

The North Wind

The North Wind

The North Wind

Trump giving a speech

Opinion—President Trump doesn’t deserve another term, and Biden doesn’t deserve a first

Riley Garland September 28, 2020
The Republican Party has, without question, abandoned all allegiances to truth, good policy and accountability in favor of absolute allegiance to a president with a big mouth and no ideas. That is why I have left the Party and assert that Donald J. Trump doesn’t deserve a single vote from those true constitutional liberty-lovers with a conscience.
Expand your worldview by studying abroad

Expand your worldview by studying abroad

Riley Garland February 6, 2020

For the first 20 years of my life, I never stepped foot outside of the country. In fact, I hardly left my home state of Michigan. I spoke no foreign languages and knew next-to-nothing about life elsewhere....

Control of future in our own hands, not govts

Control of future in our own hands, not gov’ts

Riley Garland April 24, 2019

There are two ways to view the world. The first is to treat people as adults capable of making their own decisions and facing the benefits and consequences of their decisions, rooted in a belief that we...

Modern architecture in a dismal state

Modern architecture in a dismal state

Riley Garland April 18, 2019

There is no building more iconic than the Notre Dame cathedral in Paris. As it was engulfed in flames this last Monday, people across the globe felt the devastating loss of perhaps one of the greatest...

Left-wing values will define AI

Left-wing values will define AI

Riley Garland March 28, 2019

Hollywood portrayal of the future never fails to amuse. We’re beginning to reach an era where past movies and shows are set in the years we’re entering, and often, the predictions are way off. For...

Reform delegitimizes church

Reform delegitimizes church

Riley Garland February 21, 2019

As I browsed my news feed yesterday, my attention was caught by an article about Catholic priests having illegitimate children. Members of the priesthood are sworn to celibacy, or barred from having sexual...

Profs. to talk wealth

Profs. to talk wealth

Riley Garland February 14, 2019

The NMU Center for Economic Education and Entrepreneurship (CEEE) is hosting two speakers later today as part of the Your Wealth Lecture Series, a program designed to introduce new economic ideas and promote...

Sympathy for victims hijacked for status

Sympathy for victims hijacked for status

Riley Garland February 13, 2019

When I was younger, my little sister told some of her friends that my father was abusive. This was an absolute falsehood; he’s one of the kindest people I have ever known and always treats us with love....

AI regulation pivotal to future

AI regulation pivotal to future

Riley Garland February 6, 2019

The last few decades have been characterized by rapid technological advancement—and it’s not even close to being over. In fact, we may just be penetrating the surface of the world-altering innovations...

Schultz paving the way for Trump’s reelection

Riley Garland January 30, 2019

After the fight over the government shutdown, it’s no surprise that President Trump’s disapproval rating is reaching new heights. According to a Quinnipiac poll on Tuesday, he has an overall disapproval...

Intellectual arrogance divides

Intellectual arrogance divides

Riley Garland January 24, 2019

During the 2016 election cycle, Trump made a habit of posing himself as the common man’s champion against what is commonly referred to as “the elite.” This group is seen as being composed of the...

Should the United States adopt universal healthcare?

Should the United States adopt universal healthcare?

Riley Garland November 29, 2018

Norah Johnson: The quality of healthcare in the United States is not proportionate to the massive costs it represents for most citizens. According to a Kaiser Family Foundation study, in 2016, healthcare...

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