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The North Wind

The North Wind

The North Wind

28 YEARS OF DRAG- professional drag proformers make their way to Northers campus.

Queers and Allies to host 28th Annual Drag Show

Maggie Franzen, Features Editor February 6, 2025

Northern Queers and Allies' largest event of the year has finally arrived. The 28th annual drag show is this Friday, Feb. 7, with an amateur drag show on Thursday, Feb. 6. The group has been planning this...

HANDS UP — A student raises his hand as Miller teaches surrounding students in her class. Photo Courtesy of Miranda Miller

Profile — Becoming an ‘unapologetically queer’ teacher

Katarina Rothhorn March 14, 2024

Miranda Miller has been out and proud since middle school. A large part of her childhood and high school years was marked by her self-identity discovery within the queer community.  “My college essay...

Joleigh Martinez/NW

LGBTQ2S+ People of Faith Coffee Hour creates conversation and community

Ryley Wilcox September 18, 2023

The Student Equity and Engagement Center (SEEC) and Sacred Space Campus Ministry are hosting an LGBTQ2S+ People of Faith Coffee Hour Wednesday, Sept. 20. The groups will meet outside the SEEC office...

Queer Prom offers prom 're-do' for LGBTQ+ community

Queer Prom offers prom ‘re-do’ for LGBTQ+ community

Jackie Phillips April 10, 2023

Queers and Allies hosted their annual Queer Prom on Friday, April 7. The prom was held in the Northern Center in Ballrooms I and II from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. With drinks, food and music, Queer Prom was...

Joleigh Martinez/NW

Editorial — Tennessee drag ban is direct attack on LGBTQ+ community

North Wind Editorial Board April 6, 2023

In an era when LGBTQ+ visibility and acceptance seemed to be on an upward trend, legislators in Tennessee decided to create and pass a bill that deliberately targets the community — particularly that...

Gender/Sexuality Studies Student Association to co-host LGBTQ+ history public training

Gender/Sexuality Studies Student Association to co-host LGBTQ+ history public training

Jackie Phillips February 21, 2023

The NMU Gender/Sexuality Studies Student Association (GSSSA) is hosting a History of LGBTQ+ Social Movements presentation, public training and workshop session on Tuesday, Feb. 21 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. in...

Editorial — LGBTQ+ students deserve representation in educational settings

Editorial — LGBTQ+ students deserve representation in educational settings

North Wind Editorial Board October 26, 2022

The Gwinn Area Board of Education decided at an Oct. 17 meeting to stand firm on its banning of pride flags from school classrooms. The ban comes despite public outcry from concerned parents, faculty and...

DANCE THE NIGHT AWAY - NMU students gathered in the atrium of Hedcock to celebrate a queer prom on April 1. For many LGBTQ+ students, this was the first prom they were able to comfortably celebrate in their identity.

Students celebrate identity, music, dancing at Queer Prom

Andie Balenger, Staff Writer April 7, 2022

When reflecting on her solo appearance at high school prom, Lilith Popour could only associate the event with feelings of sadness. Unaware of her gender identity in the harbored town of Jennison, Michigan,...

Gender-inclusive dorm housing applications open

Gender-inclusive dorm housing applications open

Katarina Rothhorn, Features Editor April 5, 2022

Sarah Pilto started dreaming an inclusive living space into existence after they became an resident advisor. Pilto, a third year secondary education major, RA in Magers Hall and founding member of Pride...

SIBLINGHOOD - Bailey Gomes, Aja Miller and Karlene Howard (left to right) made Kappa Psi Nu sweatshirts during one of their siblinghood nights this semester. Kappa Psi Nu is a recently established non gendered sorority that focuses on creating an inclusive Greek Life experience.

Breaking gender stereotypes in Greek Life

Katarina Rothhorn, Features Editor April 1, 2022

The longevity of the relationships she had discovered through Kappa Psi Nu first struck Karlene Howard, junior psychology major, at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. It was her second semester as a member...

PROM NIGHT - Members of the LGBTQ+ community have been invited to attend Queer Prom. Queers and Allies are offering a safe space for queer students to dance, have fun, and be themselves in a traditional prom setting.

Queer Prom to provide night of inclusivity and fun

Andie Balenger, Staff Writer March 30, 2022

In campaigning for the presidential position of Queers and Allies, Miranda Miller knew that there was a demand for a queer-specific prom on campus. For many queer community members, the word “prom”...

Drag queens and staff at the Landmark Inn pose after the Galentine's Drag Show on Sunday, Feb. 13. Drag queens in back row (left to right): Shelby Cummins, Victoria Lynn, Cass Marie Domino, Mercedes Benzova, and Loretta Love Lee. Pride Sundays event organizer, Jaime Bedard, sits in the front row, center.

Pride Sundays highlights drag queens in Galentines Drag Show

Andie Balenger, contributing writer February 19, 2022

At the beginning of the new year, a past tradition of the Landmark Inn was brought back to life. Convening within the Crow’s Nest, the Landmark Inn’s modern food and cocktail lounge, members of the...

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