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The North Wind

The North Wind

The North Wind

Maggie Duly

Maggie Duly, Social Media Editor

Hi! I'm Maggie Duly the Social Media Editor. This is my fourth year at NMU, I graduate in December with a degree in Social Media Design Management. My goal for the North Wind is to make our content more accessible to the community and gain readership.

All content by Maggie Duly
MAKING KIMCHI—Kimchi is easy to make, nutritious and full of beneficial bacteria which can help your gut. Try making it; your health might thank you!

Opinion—Kimchi: my flavor of the month

Maggie Duly, Social Media Editor
November 10, 2021
FALL SNACK-Now that our gardens are producing more than we could ever eat, it's time to get creative with snack recipes.

Cooking with Maggie: Healthy harvesting hacks

Maggie Duly, Social Media Editor
September 20, 2021
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